How Your Child’s Sensory System Relates to Behavior

If we look at behavior through a sensory lens, we may find clues triggers for these behaviors. Our sensory systems including our nervous system, brain, heart, and body are integrated and connected. When our brain perceives something as dangerous it signals our muscles to react. We may have a flight reaction, a fight reaction, or a freeze reaction.

Parenting Tweens

Parenting tweens is hard. During the “tween” ages of 11-14 your kid is adapting and learning about their world. They are integrating new adult information, reacting and acting with other kids and adults, exploring new interests, figuring out who they are and being exposed to new privileges, school routine, their changing bodies through puberty, whirling hormones, as well as the brain development.

Coping with Grief When Your Child’s Path is Unexpected

As parents we have many worries and fears for our children. Will they succeed, will they be happy? A universal feeling for parents can be loss of an idea of a future for our children or a type of relationship we wanted with them. Many parents may experience this but for parents of kids on a gender diversity journey this may be especially true.

Growing Beyond Your Bias to Parent Diverse Kids

How do we as parents make sure that we can support our kids in a way that nurtures and helps them flourish? How do we grow through our implicit biases to protect dignity, bodily autonomy, self-determination, and ability for kids to walk in their own skin and be in their bodies and spirits?

Our Kids Are Great Teachers

As parents we can learn so much from our kids. When you are all calm (and maybe with a slightly smaller audience than a podcast following) sit down with your child. Check in. Ask what seems to be working? What are the sticking points in your family flow?

The Dangers of Politicizing Gender

What is fact is that even one of the most conservative medical organizations, the American Medical Association, recognizes gender expansive identification and supports kids being educated and informed and says that denying access to information is harmful.

A Curling Parenting Style Has Its Costs

I wondered if I had coined the term “curling parenting.” Turns out I did not. Apparently it is a Danish idiom for “helicopter parenting.” I see the similarities in those two phrases as well as differences. Helicopter parenting is hovering and zooming in and landing quickly to get involved in your child’s life. In my thinking curling takes that to a whole new level.

Recognizing the Brain-Behavior Connection

Helping parents and caregivers understand brain science can truly change the flow of daily family living. I often marvel at how impactful it is for caregivers to have “ah-hah” moments about connected parenting that quickly translate into greater regulation for everyone in the family.