Dr. Laura Anderson is lucky to call Hawaii home again. She recently moved back to Hawaii, after years living in West Africa and Oakland California.
In her personal life, Dr. Anderson has an adventurous spirit and a travel habit. She has visited many countries and lived out of the United States on four occasions in Asia, Australia, Africa and out of her portable backpack. Dr. Anderson enjoys the learning that comes with travel and is invigorated by the rich complexities that are inherent in cross-cultural communications and friendships. She is a fiercely loyal friend and has maintained numerous long-term friendships and kinship relationships around the world.
In addition, Dr. Anderson loves outdoor activities and as an adult has enjoyed soccer, basketball, outrigger canoe paddling, triathlons, ballroom dancing, tango, and limping her way through countless impossibly-hard-for-her yoga classes. In her free time, she has coached local youth sports and participated in various community and civic activities. She also loves creative writing and hopes to publish writing soon. Dr. Anderson likes people, learning, the wonder of teaching children, and is proudest of her amazing child and her ability to laugh at herself.