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If you had mostly choose the following category;

Category A: Visual

 a)  You really take-in what you see….

  • Triggers for stress may include:  clutter, messes, seeing misbehavior

  • Soothers that may help- - Watch a fish tank, cooling eye gel mask

Category B: Auditory

b) You are sound sensitive

  • Triggers for stress may include: raised voices, screaming  

  • Soothers that may help: do- relaxing music, guided relaxation that ends with quiet

    Category C: Touch/temperature

c) You are sensitive to touch or temperature

  • Triggers for your stress may include: being overheated; physical aggression

  • Soothers that may help:  cool washcloth, hot water bottle, weightlifting 

Category D: Movement

d) You are sensitive to too much or too little activity

  • Triggers for your stress may include: sitting still too long, being cooped up (as in COVID time)

  • Soothers that may help:  yoga, exercise 

Category E: Taste

e)  You have a sensitive sniffer:

  • Triggers for your stress may include: Bad smells (use your imagination) 

  • Soothers that may help: essential oils 

Why Does This Matter?  Understanding how you are wired, and ways that YOU can stay calm is key in being able to keep things on cruise control with your kids at home.   

Join me next week for Coffee and Conversation about tips for understanding your kids and their sensory systems.