Recognizing Autism in Teen Girls
It's common knowledge that children who fall on the autism spectrum can be extremely sensitive to changes in their environment and energy levels. However, girls on the spectrum are often misdiagnosed due to their interest in socializing and forming friendships. These children have an incredible capacity for empathy and are devoted to their loved ones. But, they face difficulties in effectively communicating their feelings and frustrations. Unfortunately, many people tend to attribute girls on the spectrum's behaviors to just being overly emotional.
Girls with autism present differently. A diagnosis can impact everything about the way you interact with your child and can validate the way your child views themselves. This week, Dr. Laura Anderson invites Dr. Holley Kaskel on to discuss all things autism from masking to emotional intensity and understanding sensory overload.
Dr. Holley Kaskel is a clinical psychologist and founder of LightHeart Associates, a collection of comprehensive outpatient mental health clinics in the Seattle area. She is also the mom of 3, including two neurodivergent daughters. Dr. Holley herself also identifies as a queer, neurodivergent adult and learns something new every day!
What You Will Learn:
Girls and masking
Strengths of those on spectrum, so we are not just deficit focused
Understanding the overwhelm and emotional intensity
Understanding the diagnosis makes all the difference
A diagnosis allows children the ability to advocate for themselves
Keeping an open mind
How understanding allows you to navigate behavior and soothe better
Listen to the full podcast here.
Thank you for connecting,
Dr. Laura Anderson
Dr. Laura S. Anderson specializes in educating and supporting families, as well as clinicians who support transracial adoptive families, across the globe to overcome barriers, derive strength from their differences, and thrive. She is a dynamic advocate for multiracial families and a strong advocate for supporting "third culture" children and families who may need support with the stressors associated with living out of their countries of origin and kids navigating gender and diversity.
Contact Dr. Anderson here.